

In the controlling conditions of inherited conformity and the oversaturation of mediated influences, authentic independent play has increasingly diminished. Lost are wonder, creativity and originality. Furthermore, the blinding brightness of media and the Internet obliterates vision of the here and now while encouraging an unsatisfying egocentric consumption of things, information and social situations.

We were born with insatiable curiosity, wonder and desire for adventure. As young children, we played with passion and abandon, living fully in the moment and accepting failures as opportunities for discovery rather than faults. Life was a wondrous, evolving, and independent journey without a destination. But in the process of growing up in a system of dependency, mind engineering and learned destinations, such as college degrees and careers, we lost our natural empowered independence. Today, no matter what your age, you have an opportunity to break free of this learned conformity, to rediscover originality, and regain that ability to play with the consequential in your life.

Robert E. Lewis shows how to identify the nature of stifling habits and mindsets you’ve learned or inherited, to eliminate the power zappers that drain positive energy, and most importantly, start an adventure of independent exploration in the present moment that gives you the momentum to live freely in the future. Break Free To Reboot With Confidence, Playfulness and Adaptability could well be described as an timely inspirational guide to help adults replace systematic conformity with meaningfulness and to live with a sense of wonder, playfulness and adaptability to change.

Lewis has 30 years of experience helping students and professionals rediscover their independence and creativity. Immediately after graduating from New England College with an engineering degree, he enlisted in the US Army for a tour of duty in Europe. While there, he intently studied literature, the arts and media on his own, sneaking away and reading where he wouldn’t be found or bothered. This was a rite of passage that awakened his passion to help others discover their own independence and authenticity.

After working as a structural engineer in Boston, Lewis decided to earn an MFA in photography from Ohio University. From there he started teaching photography, became director of communication programs in the Division of Outreach and Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and finished his career in education as chair and professor of the art department at The University of Memphis. Today, Lewis is a motivational speaker and event presenter who guides adults to an authentic playfulness and a lasting singular adventure.

Break Free To Reboot With Confidence, Playfulness And Adaptability by Robert E. Lewis, original edition, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform for Moulton Grace Publishing, Boston, 5.5 x 8.5, 153 pages. ISBN 1499624352.

Moulton Grace Publishing, 32 Cherry Street, Unit 3, Lynn, MA. 01902