About the Author

robertelewis-portrait-smRobert E. Lewis grew up in New Hampshire where he received a BS in civil engineering from New England College in a program without liberal arts courses. Immediately after graduation, he went into the U.S. Army for a tour of duty in Europe. Robert soon realized he now had an opportunity to independently begin his education and enlightenment while on post and as an inquisitive stranger in a foreign place.

On an adventuresome quest of exploration and discovery, he intently studied literature, philosophy, art, music, and media by sneaking away, hiding and reading books where he wouldn’t be found. Following his clandestine ‘finishing school’ and duty in the service, he hitchhiked throughout Europe and across northern Africa before returning home penniless, but rich with a new perspective to guide his life. Robert’s rite of passage overseas became the formative experience for helping others to discover their independence and authenticity.

After working as a structural engineer in Boston Massachusetts, Robert made a life-changing career decision that resulted in him receiving his MFA in Photography from Ohio University. Soon after, he started a freelance photography business and began teaching photography and film in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. While teaching, he also co-founded and became a director of two innovative for-profit arts organizations. Robert was also a founding board member of Milwaukee’s Historic Third Ward Association that was the catalyst for transforming a warehouse district into a vibrant community of businesses, education, housing, and cultural organizations. When he became Director of Communication Programs at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, he developed over 100 seminars for professionals and corporate trainers in 25 cities across the U.S.

In 1992, Robert was appointed Chair and Professor of the Art Department at The University of Memphis. While there, he refocused on helping students become independent, creative artists. However, since leaving teaching in 2005, he has concentrated solely on helping all adults find independence, adaptability and to rediscover self-initiated playfulness. Break Free is the result of this intensive effort to guide adults to an authentic and lasting singular adventure.

Robert is a public speaker and teacher who is available for lectures, retreats, seminars and workshops.